Things have been going great. The move was agonizing (as most moves are), the house is great (with the exception of a few minor issues and more than a few major issues), the kids are happy (unless the meanest mommy in the world has done something to upset them and practically kill them, like serving oatmeal for breakfast) and life is good (on most days).
Seriously, things are okay. Everyone is revelling in their newfound freedom from the cats to the kids and even me. It's a relief to know that out here I won't have visitors that are "in the neighborhood"; nor do I have to put up with baby daddy every other day (but hey, I still have to put up with his bullshit attitude nearly every other day at a distance.). I do have a few issues with the house that I need to work out and yes, money is tight. Blessings abound but money is tight. And I hate it. But, eh, so long as I'm not drowning in debt and I'm only worrying about drowning in debt, it's cool.
Like, I said the kids love, love love the house. Jaalyn is ecstatic about her room, about having cable, the backyard to play in, a mailbox she can reach and check under my watchful eye. Trinity enjoys climbing the stairs to Jaalyn's room and hanging out up there like a big girl. She also is fond of the door to the room and the upstairs and delights in yelling BAH! (BYE!) and then slamming it. The kittens race all over the house chasing one another from sunup to sundown and throughout the night too. Kadie has more places to hide from the kittens, sabotage the kittens and two litterboxes to piss and shit in and not cover up.
Unpacking is going... slow. I'm not thrilled to be doing it and the more boxes I open the more I wonder why I hauled the shit with me in the first place. I see a yard sale in the very near future.
My mood has fluctuated much in the last month or so. I hover between angst and depression with a pinch of anger thrown in and an occasional sprinkle of euphoria. The anger is not due to the move or anything, but just stupid and ignorant bullshit I've dealt with in the past several weeks from everything from Trinity's daycare to things people have said to set me off. Also a bit of anger from my gem of a landlord, who in fairness may not have realized or known about the problems I've found in the house and I honestly don't think he would've knowingly rented the house to me (in this condition) had he known. The depression stems from... a lot, and we'll just leave it at that for now.
But more on that later. More topics for discussion at a later date and time:
-Why Comcast still blows big hairy donkey balls.
-Why my neighbor's barking dog needs to be shot, not for barking, but for pooping in my flower bed directly under a window. Actually, why shoot the dog, let's aim for the teenage boy that watches the dog shit and not clean it up, tell me, or divert the mutt from shitting there in the first place.
-What exactly is this place zoned as since I've passed not just houses, but cow farms, goats, farmland and the neighbor across the street has a dog that barks and with every bark there is a cluck from a still unseen chicken? WTF? I think I've gone beyond suburbia and went straight country.
All this and more, so stay tuned.
In A Nutshell...
Posted by Serene Queen at 7:13 AM 0 comments
There's been a very good reason I haven't been posting. Remember all those positive vibes I've been emoting lately? All that optimism? It's not exactly gone but let's just say I'm a bit more... bitchy these days. I'm not slipping and it's not that I'm not enjoying life, the house, etc.
It's just that the move wasn't exactly the way I'd hope it would be. Then again, does a move ever go according to plan? I moved via Smartbox which seemed like a fabulous idea at the time.
Posted by Serene Queen at 8:25 PM 0 comments
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