
Okay, I suck...

I created this blog with the intention of updating it every day, or at the least every couple of days or so. And now more than a month has passed. I've been meaning to do it but simply never got around to it. So much has been going on. So much is going on, I've so little time, yet this is actually one of the things I ought to push to the forefront because it would help alleviate some of the stress and pressure I'm experiencing. Allow me to share with you a summary of the last couple of months...Let's start with the pregnancy: At about 34-35 weeks pregnant with baby #2 I began having complications; I had a sinus infection, a sore throat and a UTI. What fun, eh? Then I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes, a bit of anemia, and found out that my baby had a 5 cm cyst in her abdomen that most likely would be operated on very soon after birth. In the weeks up till her birth I saw a perinatal specialist, my regular OB, a new OB, a pediatric surgeon and an endocrinologist AND they all wanted me to see a dietician as well. It's been a whirlwind of doctors appointments, depression mixed with crying jags, anxiety and some more shit. At this moment in time, I hate all doctors and the systems they have in place. The "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" system. I'll explain more about that frustration as I get deeper into how all these discoveries came to light.

At any rate I promise to be more diligent in the upkeep of this blog. I think of it constantly, yet never actually make the time to update it. And I really ought to. Writing has always been therapudic for me and God only knows I need to release some stress. What better way to accomplish this as well as hone my writing skills? Maybe someday I can even achieve the goal of freelancing part time. Plus I've taken a real interest in web design so this blog will enable me to play around in that aspect as well. And perhaps I'll be able to better navigate on this damned site that keeps PISSING ME THE FUCK OFF BECAUSE I CAN'T CREATE A NEW DAMNED PARAGRAPH! AARRGGHHH!!!!! Anyway, I did do a wee bit of writing while I was in the hospital awaiting Trinity's surgery so I'll upload that in a bit.