
Teething Bites...

I am so fucking tired.

I am so sick of saying that I'm tired.

The baby woke at 3 this morning and has been asleep a total of 2 whole hours since then. (** It is now 4:05 p.m.) Funny. I can remember Jaalyn hitting the same stage at a later age and I thought it was cute. Trinity woke this morning all bright eyed and bushy tailed just ready to gum on the world. She squealed and shrieked and talked up a storm before settling down to watch an episode of Clean House. And she would not go back to sleep. 3 am people. 3 o'clock in the fucking morning. I've been up since then and I've been a zombie all day. I'm cranky and bitchy and despite the fact that I get off work in less than an hour my day is really just getting started. I've got to get off work, get the baby, get Jaalyn, stay for the PTO pizza dinner and meeting, stay for the goddamned book fair I promised to take Jaalyn to and stay for the parade committee meeting because in my delerium one day I signed Jaalyn up for the stupid Christmas parade next month. All that shit crammed in between the hours of 6-8pm and beyond. Then I get to go home, nurse the baby, get J in bed, wash bottles, mix formula, pack lunches, wash/fold a load of clothes and on and on.

And so despite being totally exhausted I'm doing this half assed post to satisfy those of you that cared enough about me to inquire where the hell have I been the past two weeks.

Trinity has been teething like crazy and gnawing on everything in sight including, and not limited to:

1. my fingers
2. her toes
3. my glasses
4. anything else she can get
her hands on.

And so... it started like this...

Then went to this...

And this...

But usually she's like this...

My little ray of sunshine. And yes this is from Halloween of this year (obviously since she was microscopic this time last year).

And I can't forget her Diva-ness...

My God. Aren't they gorgeous? I am so vain when it comes to my kids. My every reason for living and breathing.**

**And for getting up at three o'clock in the fucking morning. Dammit.