I was listening to the radio this morning (Steve Harvey Morning Show) and Steve was ranting about the Strawberry letter as is his wont. Well, this morning he mentioned that "sin is sin" no matter what; whether you're gay or if you told a lie, God supposedly judges all under the same ruling. Sin is sin. If you're gay, it's sin; if you've killed it's sin. If you've beared (born?) false witness it's sin.
You get the idea.
So that got me to thinking about myself. I've sinned, everyone has. But then I took it one step further (you know me, always overanalyzing shit) and thought about the dreaded 7 deadly sins and how many of the 7 applied to yours truly.
Okay, really, at first I was just trying to remember all 7. And I could only remember about 4. So I looked them up here. And oh my word, I could do another whole post on that article alone in regards to the Roman Catholic church and it's wondrous history (not that I'm a history nut or anything... really.).
So let's see... lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride...
Lust- big fat check beside that one. Goes hand in hand with another sin called Adultery. And honestly, it's not so much the lust that gets me in trouble as it is just wanting that closeness and intimacy with another person. That intimacy leads to sex... which leads to more sex... which leads to children born out of wedlock...
And I'm not making this any better am I?
Gluttony- not so much this one, unless you count being a glutton for punishment since I just continue to carry on with unavailable men because they happen to be the only ones that come on to me. If that counts for gluttony, add this to my tally.
Greed- eh, again, not really applicable. All I want is peace, happiness, health and financial security. Don't think that qualifies as greed.
Sloth- Am I lazy and slothful or am I just tired as fuck? I vote tired. Next...
Wrath- Hm... tough call. I get angry at the drop of a hat these days: at baby daddy, at my mother, at life, the kids, etc. I seem to have the patience of Job so long as I get my coffee daily and the proper amount of sleep. So is it sin or because I'm tired as fuck? Tired as fuck it is...
So let's do a brief tally:
Tired as Fuck is in the lead. Moving on...
Envy- whooo boy. I don't think there is a single woman on this planet that isn't guilty of this one. Especially moms. I believe there's an actual term called Mom-envy and it very much applies to me. I hate to see the well put together moms, the SAHM (that's Stay At Home Moms for those not hip to the parental lingo), the married moms that have all the time in the world to make sure their kids are neat and tidy and fed hand pureed organic baby food made in their own sparkling clean kitchens. Bleh. But, I've also seen the inner workings of those moms and I know that usually all is not what it seems. So I've learned not to envy them their clean homes, trim tummies or seemingly attentive, well paid husbands. I peep into their world and suddenly mine seems so much brighter. We'll add another half point because I still envy new moms with trimmer figures than mine.
Pride- This is one I actually don't think I have enough of, if that's a good thing. Sometimes I don't think I have enough pride in myself, in my mothering, or anything. Not enough confidence. But I know in the terms of "sin" they mean an excess of pride, right?
So after writing it all down, I guess I'm not as bad as I thought. I figured I'd at least I'd have 5 out of 7. Still racking up a hella lot in the sinning category and that's never good. But I do try my damnedest to do the right thing, despite all my inner struggles. And there's always that famous line out of the bible, the venerable get-out-of-jail-free card:
All have sinned come come short of the glory of God.
Or something like that...
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