
Funny things my kid says, Pt II

I often let the kids play in some sort of dry food when we're home since I never EVER let them set foot into the sandbox (re: nature's giant litter box) at the playground. Some dried lentils or dry beans and a few scoops and bowls and their happy as pigs in mud.

This afternoon they played in dry oats. Just a plain ole giant tub of old fashioned oatmeal I got for about $2.50 from Food Lion.

Jaalyn tells me she's opening a restaurant and she'll slide me in the back door because her restaurant is VERY expensive and popular (who knew I had a hotspot equivilant to the Ivy in my own living room?).

Jaalyn: Today we are serving Kitten Boodle.
Me: Wha? You're serving what?
Jaalyn: Kitten Boodle. It's got some of everything in it and it's VERY good. We're serving the whole thing today. We only served half of it yesterday.
Me: ... do you mean it's got the "whole kit and kaboodle?"
Jaalyn: Yeah, that's it! We're serving the whole Kitten Boodle today.