
Another Post! One Day Later!

Yay me!

Well, not really. The only reason I'm posting is because I'm home alone sick as a dog. Happens every time the kids get sick. I take care of them, don't take care of me and next thing you know my immune system takes a nosedive and what do you have? Me, stuffy, fevered, achy and congested and just ugh.

But, I have cute pictures of my babies from yesterday. They both had their check-ups, Trinity's 8 months (!) and Jaalyn's 6 year check up. Oh happy day because THANK YOU GOD no one received any shots. Which means I left the doctor's office with two very happy kids who probably missed it when the doctor said that when Trinity turns 18 months they both will get the same shot that day (Hep A??). But hey, that's ten whole months away so why worry now?

Trinity is still on the smaller end of the pool when it comes to weight and length. She lost a few ounces since her last visit and weighed in at a very cute, naked 16.5 lbs and measured something like 26 inches long putting her in the 25th percentile for both categories. Her head, however, ranks in the 75th percentile so, um, she's real smart y'all. Yeah, we'll go with that. But really, look at those yummy leg rolls of hers. Does she look like she's missing meals? I didn't think so either but the doctor handed me a prescription for vitamins anyway.

But Chunkin Munchin is right were she should be developmentally. She showed off her knowledge when the doctor asked has she started her mama/dada babbling yet and Trin looked up and said "dada?" *looks at the door* Dada?? *Looks at me* DADA!!!

God has a wonderful sense of humor. Trinity will sometimes call me mama; her first time she called me meh-meh and if you ask her where meh-meh is she will indeed start looking for me. But for the most part, especially when I'm trying to get her to say mama she will look me in the eye, extend her arms out and cry: DADA!

Now, Jaalyn on the other hand is off the charts in everything. She's totally healthy though but she's measuring the height/weight of the average 9 year old instead of a 6 year old. That doesn't really concern me except for this one bomb the doctor dropped on me:

Jaalyn needs a bra.

Dude, my fucking 6 year old girl needs a bra. My kindergartner needs a BRA people. What I thought was baby fat is actually breast tissue. Thank God for chairs in those small ass examining rooms. Might've cracked my head on the sink or something. Jesus, Mary and St. Joseph... didn't see that one coming. However, that's the only thing on her that's developing super fast so I don't have to worry about periods or any of that puberty stuff until later.

You know, like when she's 7. Oh my God. This is what I get for gloating about the fact that I have beautiful daughters. I'm telling you our God has a wicked sense of humor doesn't He?

The rest of the visit was pretty uneventful. I was told that I have to change Jaa's diet up so that her weight is under control. We've got diabetes running through our family (both sides on mine and her dad's) so I get the importance of nutrition. My pitiful excuse of packing chips and junk because I ran out of creative ideas for snacks just ain't gonna cut it so to the internet I go for creative ideas for her snacks and lunches for school. I'm open to ideas people. Girl cannot live on PBJs alone.

Self Portrait

Hoppy was in attendance at the doctor's as well. Hoppy is Jaalyn's animal clutch of the moment that she chose herself from one of those build-a-beast joints in the mall. One damned expensive bunny. And yes, I did give Jaalyn the camera to take pictures with, can you tell?