
Untitled Post #2

So, in effort to continue my disgustingly upbeat and optimistic persona, I've gone and done something drastic.

I hired a life coach.

Why? Because I want someone to encourage me, the same way I've always encouraged all my friends and family to reach for the stars, achieve their goals and be ultimately happy and successful in their lives. And if I have to pay someone to do what truthfully, a true friend ought to do, so be it. I can't make my friends behave the way I do or the way that I would like them to. Part of what makes my friends so endearing is their differences in general. But the bottom line is that I want to succeed. I want to be a better mother, a better person, and have a clear cut plan for business, personal and financial success. The person hired is a very close friend and former college classmate and in my eyes is the near epitome of success. I know for a fact that this "coaching" will come not only from a psychological standpoint but also from the heart. I'm actually very excited about it. Yay me.


To continue revealing crap about myself that no one probably cares to know (since I've been told yet AGAIN that I refuse to let people into my heart and mind for whatever reason)...

1. I am afraid of worm-y type creatures like maggots, centipedes, inch worms and the like and will go ballistic if a caterpillar is within a mile of me. I am probably the only person that can spot one on the highway at 60 mph and will swerve to smoosh it with the car. But oddly enough, I am not afraid of earthworms, snakes or other things that typically creep people out like spiders. I find them fascinating.

2. I love going to multicultural events, especially outdoor festivals, museums, art galleries, book readings and speakers. If I do have the chance to attend any events I almost always go alone since no one I know of would enjoy those activities with me. If I do take anyone, it's usually my dad.

3. I hate shopping. I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've either a) wanted to go out shopping, b) not considered shopping to be the most detested chore on the planet, second only to toilet scrubbing by hand, or c) enjoyed a simple (and by simple meaning I can go in, find what I want, pay for it and leave) shopping trip.

4. I actually enjoy political arena and were it not for scandalous events in my past and the fact that I work for the Gov't I'd run for office myself. As it happens, I'd settle for speech writer, advisor or something out of the spotlight.

Aaand... it's quittin' time once again on this here plantation so you'll have to wait with baited breath for my next startling revelations.
