
Cough, hack, sneeze, *wheeze*...

Been out for a minute.

Kids been sick.

I've been sick. As a matter of fact, I'm still sick. Grown ass woman with an ear infection and strep throat. Kiddies are sick with thrush, yeast infections, wheezing and ear infection and pink eye (all Trinity) -or- 5 canker sores in one spot on the lower lip that swelled to enormous proportions and prevented food consumption for several days, slight fever, coughing, and pink eye (Jaalyn).

We are a sickly - but germ swapping - household.

Been deep in thought and evaluations (eh, when am I not?)... revelations to follow at another time. In the meantime, I've been tickling myself with some wonderful sites on the internet. They amuse me to no end, especially in my current man hating, die-you-dirty-rotten-sons-of-motherfuckers, stage.

I mean this site here? LOVES it. It's delightfully wicked. Were it not for a lawsuit pending against the creators I'd snatch the idea and expand on it tenfold.

And this one? My house is a Beyonce shrine. Jaalyn and Trinity adore Beyonce. We own cds, dvds, magazines and watch live performances on AOL and anywhere else we can get them for free. We are Beyonce stans without a doubt but within reason. This site has so many little nuggets of truth hidden within the cleverly written, albeit sardonic, descriptions about females in today's music industry. Beyonce aside, most of the female artists out today are either mediocre (hello Amerie and Kelly Rowland) or just plain suck (talking to you Cassie and that damned "Lipgloss" girl). And the fine print disclaimer at the bottom of the page? Slayed me.

These days I need a good laugh. I'm finding little joy in everyday dealings.

I'm tired and worn out. I'm angry, hurt and bitter. I'm vulnerable and girly. And I hate it.

And I hate men because most of this bullshit I'm feeling stems from them. You know, I've dated black men, white men, Salvadorians, Mexicans, Latinos, Turks, Italians and so on.

And you know what? Ultimately, no matter where they're from, how their raised, the color of their skin, or their spiritual beliefs... they are all the same.

Fucking assholes.

What I wouldn't give to pour Clorox into the man pool of the world. Take out all the impurities, the lying, cheating, no good bastards...

Doubt there'd be anything left other than a few bleached tank tops and boxers left behind though.


Dalila said...

You write very well.