

*Inhales deeply*

*Exhales slowly*

Now, don't we all feel just a lil bit better? Having gotten all sorts of shit off our chests?


Me neither but hey, it's a new day. Lots of sunshine outside, plenty of heat and the world is full of lovely half naked creatures to gawk at.

I'm doing my best to keep my head up. Doing my best to stay upbeat. I think this evening when I go home I will put Beyonce's DVD into the player, crank up the volume and watch the little ones shake their little booties. Jaalyn knows nearly every move for "Upgrade U" and when "Get Me Bodied" comes on... I get a cramp in my stomach from laughing at Trinity. I mean that diapered butt gets to bouncing, hands clapping and arms akimbo that girl gets it.

Those two are enough to make my spirits soar on any given day. Then again they are also enough to put me in the nuthouse on the other given days.

I'll post pictures of them soon. Just as soon as I can get my brand spanking new Dell fixed.